Large Scale Supply Chain Systems Engineering
Research Unit
Large Scale Supply Chain Systems Engineering Research Unit has established for research
on the application of technology in designing and managing various systems
in production activities such as procurement and production planning,
production design, distribution center planning throughout the supply chain,
both in agriculture and industry products
Chief of Research Unit

Asst.Prof.Chaimongkol Limpianchob, Ph.D.
E-mail : fengckl@ku.ac.th
Telephone : (+66) 86-925-8282
Location : E9202 Logistics Engineering Research Unit
2nd Floor, Building 9, Department of Industrial Engineering
Research publications
- Chaimongkol, L. (2017). Integrated of Harvesting and Production Planning in Aromatic Coconuts Supply Chain Using Mixed-Integer Linear
Programming. International Journal of Operational Research.
Vol30, No. 3: 360–374.
ISSN 1745–7645
- Chaimongkol, L. (2015). A mixed integer programming model for optimal
production planning in tangerine supply chain. KASETSART JOURNAL
(NAT. SCI.), Vol 49: 1001-1011.
ISSN 0075-5192
- Chaimongkol, L., and Prathuang, U. (2016). Optimal Production Planning of
Sugarcane Machinery Plant by Mixed Integer Linear Programming
Model. The Journal of King Mongkut’s University of Technology
North Bangkok. 26(2): 209–221.
ISSN 0857–684x
- Chaimongkol, L., Wongphaka, W., and Parinya, P. (2014). Mixed Integer Linear
Programming Approaches to Production Planning and Transportation in
Tangerine Supply Chain. The Journal of King Mongkut’s University of
Technology North Bangkok. 24(2): 344–354.
ISSN 0857–684x
- Chaimongkol, L., Wongphaka, W., Parinya, P., and Somyot, C. (2013). A Mixed
Integer Linear Programming for Aggregate Planning in Queen
Pineapple’s Supply Chain. The Journal of King Mongkut’s University of
Technology North Bangkok. 23(2): 400–409.
ISSN 0857–684x
- Chaimongkol, L. (2013). A Mixed Integer Linear Programming for Cultivating
Planning and Choosing The Transportation Mode for The Lettuce Supply
Chain. Thai Journal of Operations Research. 1(2): 400–409.
ISSN 2287–0210
- Chaimongkol, L., and Somyot, C. (2013). Cultivation Logistics Cost Reduction
for Queen Pineapple using Mixed-Integer Linear Programming. The
Journal of King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi. 36(3):
ISSN 0125–278x
- Chaimongkol, L., Wongphaka, W., Parinya, P., and Somyot, C. (2012). Aromatic
Coconuts Supply Chain Management using Mixed Integer Linear
Programming. The Journal of King Mongkut’s University of Technology
North Bangkok. 22(3): 601–609.
ISSN 0857–684x
- Chaimongkol, L., and Prathuang, U. (2014). A Mixed-Integer Linear Programming
Model for Production Planning in Sugarcane Machinery Production Plant.
In National Operation Research Network Conference 2014 (pp.62-69).
Phitsanulok: Faculty of Engineering, Naresuan University.
- Chaimongkol, L. (2013). A Mixed-Integer Linear Model for Harvesting and
Production Planning in Tangerine Supply Chain. In The Value chain
management and logistics (VCML) conference 2013 (pp.152-161). Khon
Kaen: Faculty of Engineering, Khon Kaen University.
- Chaimongkol, L. (2013). A Mixed-Integer Linear Model for Optimal Cultivating
Planning and Transportation of Lettuce Supply Chain. In National
Operation Research Network Conference 2013 (pp.267-275). Ubon
Ratchathani: Faculty of Engineering, Ubon Ratchathani University.
- Chaimongkol, L., and Somyot, C. (2012). Aggregate Cultivating Planning Model
for Lettuce Supply Chain. In The Value chain management and logistics
(VCML) conference 2012 (pp.133-143). Chiang Mai: Faculty of
Engineering, Chiang Mai University.
- Chaimongkol, L., and Somyot, C. (2012). Cultivating Planning Logistics for
Queen Pineapple using Mixed-Integer Linear Programming. In National
Operation Research Network Conference 2012 (pp.47-53). Bangkok:
Faculty of Engineering, King Mongkut’s University of Technology
- Pitiporn, T., Chaimongkol, L., and Somyot, C. (2011). The Study of Logistics in
Nam-Hom Coconut for Export Coconut Iindustry. In The Value chain
management and Logistics (VCML) conference 2011 (pp.58-66).Chonburi:
Center of Excellence in Logistics, Kasetsart University.
Academic services
- The development of organic farming supply chain in Nakhon Pathom province.
“Sampran Model”
- The Best Paper Award of “National Operations Research Network Conference 2014”.
- The Best Paper Award of “Thai Value Chain Management and Logistics : Thai VCML
Conference 2013”.
- The Best Paper Award of “National Operations Research Network Conference 2013”.
- The Best Paper Award of “National Operations Research Network Conference 2012”.
Research grants
- National Research Council of Thailand​​
- Postharvest Technology Innovation Center, Thailand​​
- The Center of Excellence in Logistics, Kasetsart University