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Faculty Members 

Department of Industrial Engineering


Asst.Prof.Chaimongkol Limpianchob, Ph.D.


Academic Position :      Assistant Professor

Administrative Position : -

Telephone : (+66)86-925-8282

Room : E9206

Academic backgrounds

- Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering), Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan

- M.Eng. (Engineering Management), Naresuan University (NU), Thailand

- B.Eng. (1st Hons.) (Industrial Engineering), Naresuan University (NU), Thailand

Field of interests

- Operations Research

- Supply chain and Logistics management

   (Transportation and distribution planning with Mathematical Model)

- Supply chain optimization

- Production and Planning Control (Mathematical Modeling in Production planning)

Research publications


- Chaimongkol, L. (2017). Integrated of Harvesting and Production Planning in                             Aromatic Coconuts Supply Chain Using Mixed-Integer Linear

                   Programming. International Journal of Operational Research.

                   Vol30, No. 3: 360–374.

                   ISSN 1745–7645

- Chaimongkol, L. (2015). A mixed integer programming model for optimal

                   production planning in tangerine supply chain. KASETSART JOURNAL

                   (NAT. SCI.), Vol 49: 1001-1011.

                   ISSN 0075-5192


- Chaimongkol, L., and Prathuang, U. (2016). Optimal Production Planning of 

                   Sugarcane Machinery Plant by Mixed Integer Linear Programming

                   Model. The Journal of King Mongkut’s University of Technology

                   North Bangkok. 26(2): 209–221.

                   ISSN 0857–684x

- Chaimongkol, L., Wongphaka, W., and Parinya, P. (2014). Mixed Integer Linear

                   Programming Approaches to Production Planning and Transportation in

                   Tangerine Supply Chain. The Journal of King Mongkut’s University of

                   Technology North Bangkok. 24(2): 344–354.

                   ISSN 0857–684x

- Chaimongkol, L., Wongphaka, W., Parinya, P., and Somyot, C. (2013). A Mixed

                   Integer Linear Programming for Aggregate Planning in Queen

                   Pineapple’s Supply Chain. The Journal of King Mongkut’s University of

                   Technology North Bangkok. 23(2): 400–409.

                   ISSN 0857–684x

- Chaimongkol, L. (2013). A Mixed Integer Linear Programming for Cultivating

                   Planning and Choosing The Transportation Mode for The Lettuce Supply

                   Chain. Thai Journal of Operations Research. 1(2): 400–409.

                   ISSN 2287–0210

- Chaimongkol, L., and Somyot, C. (2013). Cultivation Logistics Cost Reduction

                   for Queen Pineapple using Mixed-Integer Linear Programming. The

                   Journal of King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi. 36(3):


                   ISSN 0125–278x

- Chaimongkol, L., Wongphaka, W., Parinya, P., and Somyot, C. (2012). Aromatic 

                   Coconuts Supply Chain Management using Mixed Integer Linear

                   Programming. The Journal of King Mongkut’s University of Technology

                   North Bangkok. 22(3): 601–609.

                   ISSN 0857–684x


- Chaimongkol, L., and Prathuang, U. (2014). A Mixed-Integer Linear Programming

                  Model for Production Planning in Sugarcane Machinery Production Plant.

                  In National Operation Research Network Conference 2014 (pp.62-69).

                  Phitsanulok: Faculty of Engineering, Naresuan University.

- Chaimongkol, L. (2013). A Mixed-Integer Linear Model for Harvesting and

                  Production Planning in Tangerine Supply Chain. In The Value chain

                  management and logistics (VCML) conference 2013 (pp.152-161). Khon

                  Kaen: Faculty of Engineering, Khon Kaen University.

- Chaimongkol, L. (2013). A Mixed-Integer Linear Model for Optimal Cultivating

                  Planning and Transportation of Lettuce Supply Chain. In National

                  Operation Research Network Conference 2013 (pp.267-275). Ubon

                  Ratchathani: Faculty of Engineering, Ubon Ratchathani University.

- Chaimongkol, L., and Somyot, C. (2012). Aggregate Cultivating Planning Model

                  for Lettuce Supply Chain. In The Value chain management and logistics

                  (VCML) conference 2012 (pp.133-143). Chiang Mai: Faculty of

                  Engineering, Chiang Mai University.

- Chaimongkol, L., and Somyot, C. (2012). Cultivating Planning Logistics for

                  Queen Pineapple using Mixed-Integer Linear Programming. In National

                  Operation Research Network Conference 2012 (pp.47-53). Bangkok:

                  Faculty of Engineering, King Mongkut’s University of Technology


- Pitiporn, T., Chaimongkol, L., and Somyot, C. (2011). The Study of Logistics in

                  Nam-Hom Coconut for Export Coconut Iindustry. In The Value chain

                  management and Logistics (VCML) conference 2011 (pp.58-66).Chonburi:

                  Center of Excellence in Logistics, Kasetsart University.

Academic services

- The development of organic farming supply chain in Nakhon Pathom province.

   “Sampran Model”


- The Best Paper Award of “National Operations Research Network Conference 2014”.

- The Best Paper Award of “Thai Value Chain Management andLogistics : Thai VCML

                                                 Conference 2013”.

- The Best Paper Award of “National Operations Research Network Conference 2013”.

- The Best Paper Award of “National Operations Research Network Conference 2012”.

Research grants

- National Research Council of Thailand​​

- Postharvest Technology Innovation Center, Thailand​​

- The Center of Excellence in Logistics, Kasetsart University

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